Kiếp Tnh Chung by Trần Tm Guitar Chords


p strongKiếp Tình Chung/strong in guitar acoustic version can be one of your favourite music. Not only hearing the song but you can play Kiếp Tình Chung by Trần Tâm using guitar too. Yes .. this song by can also be played by that instrument. But, first thing, you must know its guitar chords. /p p When you are looking for emKiếp Tình Chung guitar chords/em, you've come to the right web. /p p Yeah,Ya, guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the simple guitar will feel to play Kiếp Tình Chung music. /p p Kiếp Tình Chung guitar chords has Boléro rhythm and included in album. /p h3Kiếp Tình Chung by Trần Tâm Guitar Chords/h3 Capo ngăn 3brCó [Em]những lúc khi yêu nhau anh đâu hay duyên tình [G]ta chua cay,brCố xoá [Em]hết bao yêu thương mong quên đi khi [Bm]tình yêu chia đôibrAnh [C]quay đi lòng đắng [G]cay. Lệ tuôn [Bm]rơi trong đêm phân vân [D]biết nói sao?br[C] [D] [Em]br[Em]giờ đang trong vòng tay một người anh quen.brCó nước mắt [Em]nơi con tim khi đôi ta không còn yêu [G]như xưabrSẽ khó nói [Em]em đâu hay, em đang yêu chung một người [Bm]như anhbrNay tim anh [C]giờ nhói [G]đau, đành quay gót [C]chúc phúc suốt kiếp cho người [D]yêubrMong em được [Am]vui và quên [Bm]dĩ vãng kiếp [Em]tình chung.brNào ai [G]biết trong tình [D]yêu, lòng đau [Am]xót nhìn người [Em]bước đi,brTrách chi ai [C]hẹn thề giờ đây [Am]bội ước ân [D]tình xưa...brThầm [G]mong ước em [D]đẹp đôi, Tình yêu [Am]ấy đành [Em]nhường lối đi.brTrái tim anh [C]thật [D]lòng.Chúc cho em hạnh [Em]phúc. ----------------- p If you want to be master of emTrần Tâm Kiếp Tình Chung/em guitar chords, you have to understand the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we take all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords only lack few adjustments. Every of those minor chords is perfectly based on its major counterpart. /p p By the way, you may also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. Wanna play another guitar chords? Simple .. just use search button in this site, you may search it by song title or by the artist. Enjoy! /p

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