p strongPhép Lạ/strong played in guitar may be one of your favourite song. Not only hearing the music but you can play Phép Lạ by Tuấn Khanh using guitar too. Yeah .. this music by may also be played by that device. But, first thing, you must know its guitar chords. /p p When you are searching for emPhép Lạ guitar chords/em, you already visit to the right web site. /p p Yes, guitar is tough to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the smooth guitar will feel to play that song. /p p Phép Lạ guitar chords has Ballade rhythm and included in album. /p h3Phép Lạ by Tuấn Khanh Guitar Chords/h3 Rồi một hôm [Am]chợt nghe lặng im [F]phố vắng tênh. [G7]brGiật mình tôi [Am]nào hay mùa xuân [F]đã bước qua. [G7]brRồi lại nghe [Am]đời tôi buồn như [F]nắng úa trên phố [G7]vắng. [C]brTiếng hát ai [Dm]nghe như chiêm bao. [Am]..nhắc tôi [F]những dấu yêu hư hao. [C]brhá ha.. [Am].há há ha.. [Em].trả lại [F]tôi vàng son đã khép. [C]brhá ha.. [Am].há há ha.. [Em]trả lại tôi tình xanh [F]đã hết. [G7]brhá ha...há há ha...trả lại tôi vàng son đã khép.brhá ha...há há ha..trả lại tôi tình xanh đã hết.brNếu như được [Am]phép lạ.. [F].tôi sẽ thôi [Em]yêu người. [C]brNhững năm dài [Am]tháng hạ [F]nước mắt thấm [G7]mộng gầy. [Am]brNếu như được một phép lạ đời tôi ko như đá cuội.brThấy thương mình từ trẻ dại...muốn cất tiếng thở dài... ----------------- p If you want to be master of emTuấn Khanh Phép Lạ/em guitar chords, you should to learn the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minors of any of these chords only lack few adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart. /p p For your info, you may also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords in this web site. Looking for another guitar chords? Easy .. just click search button in this place, you may search it by song title or by the artist. Enjoy! /p